NFL ALL DAY Historical Set Art Direction
This project is a culmination of the work I did surrounding the first ever Historical Pack Drop on NFL All Day. Working with our stellar design team including Brandon Tucs, Christopher Stoney and Justin Peterson, I helped spearhead our art direction for the pack drop and campaign. Within each pack drop there are a plethora of assets needed to deliver for marketing, product and social with many assets needing to be created in different dimensions to match the platform they will be posted too. Within this project I wanted to highlight just how much asset creation and direction goes into a project like this. I am very proud of how this look came together. Enjoy!
Hero Posters

Pack Preview

Player Reveal

Intro of the ultimate tier

featured athlete assets

What did you pull?

Misc. Assets

Community Reax

NFT Set designs

*some players and dates may have been updated before final posting
I am actively looking for new work. If you would like to work with me please reach out to mhdesign1991[@]